Your Vote Matters: Mail-In Ballots Should Arrive Any Day Now

Mail-in ballots for the June 4th Democratic primary should be arriving in the mail soon. The newly redesigned ballot is formatted in the “office-block” style, in which candidates for the same office are grouped together. This election is a chance to choose a new vision and a new voice for our 12th Congressional District.

The incumbent is a career politician running for her sixth term in Congress after 17 years in the Assembly. Meanwhile, the cost of living has gone through the roof under her leadership. New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the country.

I will fight for high paying jobs and lower prices. One of my priorities is to place more money in your pocket by restoring the state and local tax deduction and a tax credit for renters. I will also file legislation to restore women’s reproductive rights, nationally. I will fight to protect Medicare for Seniors and to protect the environment. I will strengthen our democratic institutions and provide strict oversight to make our democracy stronger.

Make your vote count and VOTE DART.

Please check out my latest video on the home page of

Thank you for your support!

Paid by Daniel Dart for Congress Campaign Committee

Categories: : Call For Action